POLICE REPORTER OMADA NEWS #Prosecuting Authority #TAE Limassol #Prosecutor General #Trial #Police #Apagogy #Murder #Court #Aggelos Perikleous
With the testimony of the mother of Angelos Perikleous, the trial continues before the Permanent Criminal Court of Nicosia for the case of the kidnapping and murder of the 31-year-old, whose traces were lost on the evening of April 19, 2023, with the main accused being the 25-year-old known as a hacker who does not admit guilt, his mother who is accused of complicity after committing the murder, as well as him His 71-year-old uncle, who also pleaded guilty to conspiracy-related offences.
After the completion of the presentation of evidence during the previous procedure, the Prosecuting Authority, represented by the lawyer of the Republic Christia Kythraiotou, called as a prosecution witness the mother of Perikleos, who testified under intense emotional stress.
From gun to nail clippers on list of evidence in Pericles murder-Subject to being photographed during deposition
The witness initially adopted the content of her statement that she gave to the Police, in which, among other things, she had stated: "I found out on Friday morning that he is missing when his partner called me. I last saw him at the table on Easter Monday. I don't know where he might be, nor who he hangs out with. He has never been missing before without giving life and I feel that his life is in danger."
Responding to relevant questions from the Prosecuting Authority, he stated that his partner, who was quite upset, told her that "he is looking for her son but he is missing, his phones are switched off and the worst thing is that the vehicle he was driving was found burnt". The witness stated that Perikleus's partner found out about it from the owner of the vehicle who had rented it to the victim, while the last time she had seen him was the day before.
The witness said that after the phone call she called the hospital asking about her son, while she said that "it seemed strange that he didn't communicate. I called him but his phones were switched off."
Then, as she said, she called the Police, who informed her that there was no one inside the burning vehicle, while she was told that she should wait until the next day and, in case she did not show signs of life, to go to the Limassol Police Station.
In relation to their last meeting at the table, on Easter Monday, he mentioned that during this particular meeting, they discussed how Angelos would baptize the child of his sister, with whom he was very connected, while he said that he and her son were talking a with three times a week and had a regular meeting once a month.
At the Criminal Court, the Prosecuting Authority submitted a batch of Perikleous' Facebook posts, with the 25-year-old hacker's defense attorney, Alexandros Clerides, objecting, questioning their relevance in relation to the criminal case.
"Relevance is found in the details of the indictment and includes elements that must be proven by the Prosecuting Authority. Presenting these pages with these dates is completely irrelevant. Second, there is absolutely no way to confirm or deny the process they prepared and whether this actually constitutes a capture of the electronic link maintained by another person, not even the witness, on the facebook page. The whole way of presenting the document and also the background in terms of how it describes the actions to present the document, cannot be considered satisfactory, neither for the Court nor for the defence. That is, the screen prints from the witness's account presented in fragments and without being able to ascertain continuity and authority, I consider to be grounds for objection and should be rejected. The third objection is because the individual presented in the bill, is not the witness before you. So we don't know if he gave his consent, we don't know the settings he had on his account, i.e. if they were accessible to everyone, but also in any case since he is not the one submitting the specific presumption, the defense will not be able to consider whether he gave consent".
The objection was also adopted by the lawyer of the hacker's mother, Thodoris Kontakos, however the 71-year-old's lawyer, Onofri Oikonomou, did not raise any objection.
The Prosecuting Authority for its part stated that the victim was murdered and his body has not been located and his actions on social media are relevant since he posted in the past unlike now. Therefore, he indicated that the posts are relevant to the case, while he mentioned that when a person dies, there is no question of personal data, with Mr. Clerides to indicate that there is no background to this case, on the contrary as he said, is something that is disputed in this particular case.
The Criminal Court, for its part, after examining the positions of both sides, ruled that there is relevance, saying that it is a case of premeditated murder, with the victim not having been identified and therefore the victim's communications, before the alleged his murder, are relevant to prove his death.
"He admitted to me that he killed Angelos... He was singing Snik, I have a gun in the car, all around me are cops"
He was trying to be a father
Perikleus' mother, answering relevant questions from the Prosecuting Authority, said she had asked her son to help her with a red loan so they could sell a field. “He told me yes mom to help you sell it. We had discussed it again and you told me that he would take it on."
Asked if she had any plans with her husband, she replied "they had advertised from 2022 for an engagement. He wanted to marry her and they tried to have a baby. Our relationship was that of mother and son. I was always there for him, even if I didn't always agree with his choices. He had good relations with his siblings. He had done rehab at Agia Skepi for a year and a half and when he finished he was even more connected to his family, even to his youngest who is a special needs baby."
Regarding whether he had problems, which he brought up to her, his mother referred to an earlier case he had been involved in because he had a relationship with a girl who was arrested by the Police, where she then told him to take responsibility for his actions and make up his own mind . Regarding the specific incident, he stated that he agreed with her and she had taken him to the Police, while he stated that while he was in prison, upon his return, drugs were found in his possession and he called her on the phone in fear of escaping. “I told him again my love to take responsibility for your actions. You are about to complete your sentence, keep cool and surrender. This is what I advised him. There are many occasions when she asked me for my advice and I asked her for it."
Regarding the actions he took after her disappearance, he said: “I looked for him everywhere, before the police even started. We went to where his cell phone signal stopped. We went to Zygi, Tochni, to all the areas of Limassol that were isolated, to remote areas. We went and looked inside, me and my children and some relatives. We also searched in Nicosia. We went to many places."
"I want the truth"
Subsequently, the 31-year-old's mother was called by the Prosecuting Authority to answer how she feels today, with the witness answering:
“After 20 months of no sign of life from my child... I was watching the mothers of 1974 on TV and they never found their children to bury. And I thought only when you experience something similar you can understand them, understand this pain. It's been half a century and they're looking for their children to bury. Now I understand how they feel that I lost my child overnight. I still haven't found him, and I won't stop looking for him. I want him to be in any situation, I want to find him, I want to know the truth. I don't wish him on anyone, on anyone."
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Subsequently, the Prosecuting Authority presented a video that recorded the vehicle's route in Limassol, in which the driver and the passenger can be heard having a conversation in English, with the witness stating that it is the voice of her son, Angelos Perikleos.
The video then shows the vehicle parking, a voice being heard in Greek, and a woman, who the witness said is her daughter, getting out of the car, while a third video from closed circuit surveillance is shown, showing the Pericles to walk.
At the conclusion of the main examination, the defense of the hacker and his mother raised an issue regarding the fact that they had not been informed by the Prosecuting Authority about the filing of posts and viewing of videos, with Ms. Kythraiotou to answer that he had informed about this, but not precisely, expressing at the same time the position that the cross-examination of the witness can be completed today.
The Criminal Court rejected the request for postponement and the process continues with the cross-examination of Perikleos' mother, while the next witness will testify afterwards.
*The hearing is in progress, the text is being updated