Police Reporter Omada News #attack #Limassol Hospital #PASYDY
Just three days after the incident of attack on doctors and nurses at Chrysochous City Hospital, a new attack was reported today on nurses at Limassol Hospital.
The incident reportedly occurred in a part of Limassol Hospital when a patient attacked nurses when they were instructed to avoid moving inside the room due to his state of health. At the same time, patients also caused damage to the site.
PASYDY condemns
"Inadmissible and condemned" the General Nursing Nursing PASSIA sector considers the repeated violence against health professionals while condemning "in the most categorical way" the attacking patient against nurses at Limassol General Hospital.
In their announcement today, PASYDY nurses say that health workers provide their services with respect and professionalism and have the right to work in a safe environment.
They express their deep concern and frustration, as "only three hours have passed since the attack on health professionals at Chrysochous City Hospital and the same scene is repeated."
It calls on the House Health Committee as considering the proposal of AKEL MP Marina Nikolaou as soon as possible to tighten the penalties when violence against health professionals. In addition, he says, he argues any other amendment of the law to tighten the penalties.
"Health professionals must finally feel that they are working in a safe environment and should show zero tolerance for those who want to relieve their repulsions against nursing workers," concludes the PASYDY Nursing Nursing Branch.
He went drunk at Chrysochous City Hospital and attacked the 21-year-old staff
Intense conviction for the incident at Chrysochous City Hospital-demanding effective measures
Police officers were placed in TAEP but only in the big hospitals-the problem with attacks are raised