04 February 2025, 16:15


And other airbags are discouraged, another 425 vehicles are recalled-the list of publicity

And other airbags are discouraged, another 425 vehicles are recalled-the list of publicity
And other airbags are discouraged, another 425 vehicles are recalled-the list of publicity

Police Reporter Omada News #Ministry of Transport #Takata

The Road Transport Department informs that, according to information received by CTC Automotive from the manufacturer Volvo, a number of Volvo vehicles are subject to recall for airbags. This recall does not concern takata manufacturing airbags.

The Department of Road Transport calls on the owners to take seriously the recommendation of non -use announced by the Ministry in December in 2024 and if this may not take measures to further reduce the risk such as moving where they can with other vehicles.

In view of the above, the owners of these vehicles are urged to contact the manufacturer's distributor who in Cyprus is CTC Automotive, for further instructions.

No. Registration no. Frame

21CD019 YV1RS494962512359 VOLVOHKM018 YV1TS49K911159093 VOLVOHKN851 634 Volvohme398 YV1SZ58K711003032 VOLVOHME499 YV1RS49K91201246 12003106 Volvohnb156 YV1RS49K912049164 Volvohnb646 YV1SZ58K711029922 Volvohnb934 YV1SZ58K311030881 K511196690 VOLVOHNH115 YV1SZ58K711029831 1ts90K511206119 Volvohnz081 YV1RS49K912053502 Volvohpa490 V1SZ58K711026428 Volvohta276 YV1SZ58K711042414 Volvohta949 YV1SZ58K71104227 781 Volvohtk826 YV1RS49K212032997 Volvohtk910 YV1SZ58K721059012 21255022 VOLVOHTP589 YV1SZ58K711042243 VOLVOHTX199 YV1TS90K511200498 VOLVOHTX664 YV1RS49K912087955 S49K922146085 VOLVOHXB709 YV1RS49K922146102 VOLVOHXM215 524 YV1ts91K521270967 VolvohxT816 YV1SZ58K721069438 OLVOHXZ042 YV1SZ58K721069006 Volvohxz180 YV1RS49K922177155 VOLVOHXZ503 YV1RS49K922216780 VOLVOHYH176 922146109 VOLVOHYP498 YV1RS49K922177132 VOLVOHYX195 V1SZ58K721070808 Volvohza531 YV1ts793921268330 Volvohze129 YV1ts49K921249369 760 YV1RS49K932245156 VOLVOHZH897 YV1RS49K932244996 82 VolvoHzP520 YV1RS49K932245132 VOLVOHZT266 931305620 Volvohzz234 YV1ts90K511198701 Volvokaa683 YV1ts49K931301404 Volvokaa785 YV1RS49K932257424 Volvokah498 Olvokan033 YV1RS49K932257572 Volvokan315 YV1RS49K922177164 Volvokan371 OLVOKBM415 YV1RS49K932284317 VOLVOKBX488 YV1TS49K941348301 Volvokem518 YV1SZ59G741140406 Volvoken533 YV1SZ59G741140224 VOLVOKEP602 Volvokey396 Yv1ts49K941336977 Volvokha657 YV1RS49K932244901 Volvokhb798 60 Volvokhd740 YV1RS49K932284428 VOLVOKHG019 YV1RS49K93228439 VOLVOKHG209 4368 VOLVOKHHHH506 YV1RS49K232284434 VOLVOKHK901 YV1RS49K932284544 284392 Volvokhm079 YV1RS49K932284531 Volvokhm763 YV1rs49K932284366 9K232284525 VOLVOKHP601 YV1TS49K941373741 VOLVOKHP674 RS49K932284499 Volvokhv291 YV1ts49K911192317 Volvokhw360 YV1RS49K912043281 1RS49K912013078 Volvokhz523 YV1ts49K941379504 Volvokhz698 YV1ts49K941379536 Volvokhz814 87 Volvokja892 YV1RS49K942411433 VOLVOKJA975 YV1SW49K942438143 2029568 VOLVOKJC118 YV1RS49K932245138 VOLVOKJC580 YV1RS49K942415034 VOLVOKJC893 K942416084 Volvokjd744 YV1RS49K942416243 VOLVOKJD968 TS49K941381671 VOLVOKJF076 YV1RS49K942416342 VOLVOKJF800 YV1RS49K242415843 YV1RS49K942416122 VolvokjJ971 YV1ts49K91160906 Volvokjk051 YV1ts49K941383022 6 Volvokjr088 Yv1ts49K911165435 Volvokjr576 YV1RS49K92228752 383 Volvokjt497 YV1ts494951393343 Volvokjt849 YV1ts4951392400 2723 Volvokjw050 YV1RS494952434809 Volvokjw649 YV1RS49K912033379 VOLVOKJX442 YV1TS4951392371 VOLVOKJX532 YV1RS49K912086203 YV1RS494952436443 Volvokjz048 YV1RS49495240321 Volvokjz596 YV1RS494952440594 KA135 YV1TS494951392387 Volvokka193 YV1RS494952437937 OLVOKKC024 YV1RS49K942416091 VOLVOKKC134 YV1RS49495240380 91 Volvokke634 YV1RS49K912013046 Volvokkf333 YV1ts49K91185029 Volvokkh946 YV1RS494952447781 Volvokkj787 YV1TS494951401866 Q441 YV1RS4952447724 VOLVOKKQ470 YV1RS49495245713 OLVOKKU276 YV1SZ58K721082384 VOLVOKKU346 YV1TS4951400985 VOLVOKKU642 Volvokky940 YV1RS494252451401 VOLVOKKZ135 YV1TS4951401247 07 Volvoklc781 YV1RS494952480815 VOLVOKLD197 YV1RS49495247961 VOLVOKLD509 3 Volvoklf360 YV1ts4951400553 Volvoklg607 YV1ts494951406542 Volvoklg760 YV1RS4952465951 62 YV1RS494952428855 Volvoklm500 YV1RS494952465792 OKLP806 YV1RS494262509759 VOLVOKLP890 YV1TS4961428323 VOLVOKLQ310 VOKLT174 YV1TS494951406670 Volvoklw098 YV1ts4961430971 LW649 YV1TS494961430770 0 YV1RS494962509865 VOLVOKMB752 YV1ts4961432881 5 YV1RS494962515282 VOLVOKMD141 YV1RS494962512246 75 YV1ts796261432940 Volvokmg024 YV1RS494262528309 524 YV1TS494961437075 MJ744 YV1TS494961432902 Volvokmk062 yv1ts494961437817 Okml494 YV1RS524462527818 VOLVOKML858 YV1RS494962515207 VOLVOKMN120 18 YV1ts494961440867 Volvokmq341 YV1ts49496140969 Volvokmr602 YV1RS494962515396 Volvokmr621 YV1ts494961442638 VOLVOKMR870 YV1RS496222222222222222222 MS031 YV1RS494962529766 Volvokms258 YV1ts4961442250 MV406 YV1TS49496141080 OKMW846 YV1ts4961445171 Vokmz347 Yv1ts4961441082 Volvokna468 YV1ts4961445187 Volvokna540 YV1ts4961445948 S494962550759 VOLVOKNB472 YV1RS494962550646 VOLVOKNB494 YV1RS4962550632 VOLVOKNC188 S494962550508 VOLVOKND329 YV1RS494962554148 VOLVOKND381 V1RS494962515377 VOLVOKNF491 YV1RS4962550927 VOLVOKNF497 YV1ts4961445753 Volvoknf871 YV1RS4962552549 VOLVOKNG866 YV1RS4962550915 36 YV1ts4961441075 Volvoknh761 YV1ts4961446135 Volvoknh936 YV1ts4961445955 VolvokNK175 YV1ts4961443599 Volvoknq334 YV1RS494272605527 Volvoknr084 YV1RS494272605358 NR791 YV1RS494962515472 7 Volvoknt861 YV1RS494272609055 Volvoknu101 YV1RS494972609337 Volvoknx103 YV1RS494972609005 Volvokpb274 YV1RS494972612738 68 VolvokPC544 YV1RS494972617313 VOLVOKPC620 YV1RS494972619210 609440 Volvokpe727 YV1RS494962552961 VOLVOKPF390 YV1RS494972617253 VOLVOKPF778 YV1RS4972617482 972624887 Volvokpj564 YV1RS494972625199 VOLVOKPJ701 1RS494972625039 Volvokpm020 YV1RS494972627988 VOLVOKPM057 YV1RS494972628191 Volvokpn795 YV1RS4972629192 Volvokpv924 YV1RS494272629202 0885 VOLVOKQJJ622 YV1RS494972643241 VOLVOKQL810 YV1RS494272643710 VOLVOKQM238 72631542 VOLVOKQP443 YV1RS494972642636 VOLVOKQP863 YV1RS494972643060 S494972624970 VOLVOKU252 YV1RS494972643430 VOLVOKQV749 YV1RS4972643803 YV1RS494972643237 VOLVOKQY432 YV1RS494972631589 VOLVOKQZ239 YV1RS494972643309 VOLVOKRA676 724 YV1RS494982673844 Volvokrb839 YV1RS4972642603 Volvokrc386 YV1RS494972631693 Volvokre621 YV1RS493 Volvokr 703 Volvokrg817 YV1RS494972643822 Volvokrh352 YV1RS494972643004 642905 Volvokrm565 YV1RS494972643334 Volvokr658 YV1RS4972643341 94972643699 Volvokrz469 YV1RS494972643729 VOLVOKSA352 YV1RS494982687998 Volvoksh040 YV1RS494972643660 2 YV1RS494982687822 Volvoktk103 YV1RS4972643621 Volvoktq844 YV1RS4982687745 Volvokts654 YV1RS49888 Volvokud395 90 Volvokud977 YV1RS4982688007 Volvokur582 YV1RS4992730379 365 Volvokwg936 YV1RS4992730353 VolvokwM457 YV1RS4992729990 VOLVOKWPP443 2688003 Volvokwt557 YV1RS494982690166 VOLVOKWX596 YV1RS494982687944 VOLVO


Religious to citizens with the delegation-worked delegation denounced attack

Tragic state ... they sent sms to the graves of Styliani and Kyriakos for the recall of the Taxes who killed them

Chaotic the next day of orders, a series of complaints — as it applies to 80,000 revolutions

Manufacturers bored the cost of airbags-prosecutor the liability file for oligarchy


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