Police Reporter Omada News #Police #Al Jazeera Trial
New evidence was filed on Monday at the Nicosia Criminal Court in the naturalization case related to the al -Jazeere documentary, including photos and videos depicting the defendants. Meanwhile, the sergeant who filed the evidence, in the context of his anti -examination, said the case of the documents being investigated by the police was closed.
Specifically, in its context, the police sergeant said that before the publication of the al -Jazeera documentary in August 2020, the police were called to investigate a leak of documents, which were sent by emails to people who were already in -law. July. Called to answer where the leak was made, the sergeant said that "we haven't ended up yet, so the case has not yet proceeded before a court." Asked if the case was archived, he replied that "the case was closed".
Photographic material as evidence
During the case on Monday, the prosecuting authority submitted as evidence of digital records with the content of the computer found at the home of British real estate agent Tony Kay, as well as a CD with 16 photos and 12 videos. The photos and videos were displayed in the courtroom and allegedly depicted the defendants, elsewhere and elsewhere together, along with people of Chinese descent. Some seemed to depict social meetings, other official visits and speeches at conferences with Chinese ideograms in the background.
In the face of the police sergeant who submitted the evidence, by lawyer Chris Triantafyllidis, the sergeant admitted that he did not know the places from which the particular photographic material was taken, while Mr. Triantafyllidis expressed the position that the material was presented. with the case.
Asked by lawyer George Papaioannou, how are those depicted in the photos and videos in the case, the sergeant said they had a "investors in China" to continue Mr. Papaioannou asking if the child depicting his knees are sitting on his knees. Mr. Syllouris in one of the photos is an investor from China and the sergeant to respond negatively.
In addition, Mr Papaioannou stated his position that Nikolai Gornovsky's presentation in the documentary al -Jazeera was "wanted fugitive" in his country, as he said he was proved by certificates filed in the case of the case that in the country. Its origin in its country of residence has a white criminal record.
Lawyer Andreas Pittatzis asked whether as part of the investigation of the Police on the leak, it was found whether personal data was published in the al -Jazeera report without the consent of the persons concerned, with the sergeant responding that he was unable to know about her issue consent.
He also asked whether in the context of police investigations, it was found that he had been charged with Mokas. The sergeant confirmed that he visited Mokas himself, but did not give specific information, as he said he had to see the relevant file. Mr Pittatzis said that Mokas told the police that he did not investigate the complaint made by Mr Pittatzis' office because he was not recorded by specific persons, while in a statement he issued a month earlier it was reported that the reason why the reason did not happen. Investigation was that there was no financial transaction. The sergeant replied that his role in this case was helpful and did not take into account the MAKA announcements.
Witness deposit through zealous conference
In the meantime, earlier, the Court accepted the indictment's request for a witness who resides in England via iconocratic conferences. The request was not filed by the defense lawyers, however, they asked the court to exercise his / her discretion whether the interest of the Justice is served by accepting the request.
Regarding her request for a statement, the representative of the accused, Harris Karaolidou, said that the law on the proof provides for the approval of a request, subject to the conditions that the witness is out of the jurisdiction of the Republic of Cyprus and that the approval of the request is approved by the request. in the interest of justice.
He noted that the witness expressed his intention to testify before the court and had made five deposits with the police. However, for health reasons, he has moved to the United Kingdom since October, where he continues to reside and is unable to travel to the Republic of Cyprus due to his medical problems. To this end, he introduced a new medical certificate of 29/1/2025 as a presumption.
As he said, this person had personal meetings and communications with all defendants on the charges related to the charges and has his own knowledge of the facts, which he has already given five deposits to the police. Therefore, he noted that his testimony is "essential for the purpose of proving the case of the accused authority".
Lawyer Chris Triantafyllidis noted that Mrs Karaolidou, in a previous trial, had expressed concern about the credibility of the particular witness and asked the court to take into account his judgment on whether it is in the interest of justice to testify. witness.
In response, Mrs Karaolidou said that "I have not been placed and I have not said that the witness is unreliable", noting that what he said is that after communication with the witness he had evidence he wanted to examine, because they may be related to his credibility.
In his decision on the request, the president of the Criminal Court, Nikolas Georgiadis, noted that through the EU-Known Kingdom Agreement within the Brexit there is the ability to testify by the murder via iconocratic conference. He noted that the interest of justice is "what is considered correct and fair in the circumstances of a tribute. The balance is the rights of the accused of fair trial and challenge of the case against them and the obligation and ability of the accused to present the case fairly against them. " As he said, the presentation of the case presupposes witnesses, who often have their own particular circumstances, either defined by fear, health problems, disabilities, age or gender. "The court must balance the data so that the witnesses can also testify," he said, noting that there has been laws passed on for receipt for receipt for receipt. Special Witness Protection Measures.
As he noted, the Court does not bind the comment of the accused authority referring to the witness's credible, whether he would positively or not evaluate the witness of the witness.
"We consider that we can exercise discretion and approve the application, as it will ensure the possibility of presenting witness testimony, under conditions taking into account his health and without affecting the rights of defendants and defense lawyers to ask the questions. They, "he said, approved the request.
The case is set to continue on Monday, February 10, when instructions are given how the witness will be deposited via zealous conferences.
Source: KYPE